Readings, Activities & Extras

Here are some different ways to engage with Hello! / Counting Kindness. See below for the videos and downloads – (note: some have different versions per country/language!) 

  • Readings: Hear Hollis read aloud from the different book editions
  • Activities: Download fun activities for home and school to explore counting, kindness, and empathy
  • Tutorial: Learn How to draw a bird with Barroux
  • Interviews and more: Discover the stories behind the story
  • From our readers: videos and pictures of how the book has inspired its readers

And there is more to come…

Would you like to share your own picture or video, inspired by the book?
We’d love to hear from you!

UK edition / all editions

Hollis reads Hello! (UK) on youtube
How Barroux draws the bird
Q&A with Hollis & Barroux
ACtivities for children
Activities for school and home by Hollis & Barroux

US edition

Hollis reads Counting Kindness (US)
Activities - make a welcome box! (US)
Counting Kindness at Solon Library's Digital Storytime
Elementary Book Talks video review

Bilingual SP-EN edition

A Contar Amibilidad leído par Jesusita de la biblioteca Mount Vernon
A Contar Amibilidad read by Jesusita from Mount Vernon Library
A Contar Amibilidad leído par Miriam
A Contar Amibilidad read by Miriam

NL edition

Hollis leest Iedereen telt mee!
Iedereen telt mee! (longer version)
Iedereen telt mee! voorgelezen
Iedereen telt mee! lesbrief
Lesbrief met tips voor activiteiten door Hollis

FR edition

Hollis lit Salut les p'tits amis!
Barroux dessine un oiseau

IT edition

Hollis legge Tutti Contano!

From our readers

Anita Charles reads Counting Kindness
Hello! gift boxes made at the International School of Amsterdam
Hello! in Mandarin (Taiwan)
Young reader with Counting Kindness


Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram


Een bericht gedeeld door Hollis Kurman (@holliskurman_writer)

Credits: illustrator Barroux and UK publisher Otter-Barry Books. Music for drawing a bird by Alfie Gidley.