From turmoil to peace… Counting Kindness reviewed on “Orange Marmalade” website
“My heart, and yours too, I imagine, breaks over the trauma of war and disaster that engulfs communities and pitches millions of young children into homelessness…”
“My heart, and yours too, I imagine, breaks over the trauma of war and disaster that engulfs communities and pitches millions of young children into homelessness…”
“Acts of kindness always count.”
Want to help cultivate kindness and compassion in young children? Enjoy Juniper’s honest book review.
We decided that sharing our toys and being friends were great ways to be kind to someone new.
“The central meaning is clear: we are all part of the same global community with a responsibility to help each other in times of need.”
“… also nice for older children, as the 10 kindnesses and the theme of escape also invite conversation.”
“An empathetic, humane and kind antidote to xenophobic rhetoric.”
“Without lecturing or pointing fingers, and with very little text, Hollis Kurman describes how the family arrives in the new country and meets lovely people along the way.”
“So much scope for discussion in this story. The plight of this family is hard for very young children to grasp, but the opportunities to explore feelings around the subject are immense.”
Counting in Green and Hello! paperback both included in overview of best new additions to the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education library.